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Collaboration – PIRAC – English version


PIRAC believes that the success of the program implementation is due to the support from many parties. One of the strategies used by PIRAC in program implementation is to collaborate or partner with CSOs (Civil Society organizations), Government and Private/Companies as well as other parties (philanthropic institutions or international donors. PIRAC is often a bridge for collaboration between CSOs and other parties ( international donors/companies) and serve as intermediary institutions


Collaborative Activities with Partners :

  • Koalisi Akses Vaksinasi Untuk Masyarakat Adat dan Kelompok Rentan
  • Aliansi Filantropi Indonesia Untuk Rancangan Undang-Undang Pengumpulan (Sumbangan (RUU PS) – 2022
    • Advocacy for the Bill on Collection of Donations in the DPR (Rancangan Undang Undang Pengumpulan Sumbangan (RUU PS)) in the DPR – Aliansi Filantropi Indonesia Untuk RUU PS .The Indonesian Philanthropy Alliance for the PS Bill is an alliance of philanthropic activists in Indonesia who are members of the Perkumpulan Filantropi Indonesia.
    • Aliansi Filantropi Indonesia Untuk RUU PS is a collaborative initiative of 100 organizations and philanthropic activists to strengthen accountability for raising and managing donations. PIRAC is actively involved in supporting this alliance partnership
  • i-Hub Simpulmadani (2020 – 2022)
    The Innovation and Knowledge Hub (iHub/simpulmadani) is an online learning application and knowledge management platform that allows users to access and download civil society capacity assessments, tip sheets, training modules, and simple reading materials, and which will host a directory of Resources and consultants. TA. This work is carried out by the Knowledge Management for NGOs (KM4NGO) consortium which will be the operational partner of iHub/simpulmadani, updating, maintaining, and hosting iHub/simpulmadani with funding and technical support from MADANI in 2020-2023. PIRAC is a member of this consortium with Penabulu Foundation, Satunama and Sinergantara The i-Hub Digital Platform of the KM4NGO Consortium (2020-2022) by FHI360 – USAID MADANI. Through the collaborative efforts of the Law and Human Rights Ministry, FHI 360, Knowledge Management Consortium for NGO (Penabulu, PIRAC, Satudunia, and Sinergantara. USAID MADANI supports the creation of an online learning and knowledge management platform to enhance the organisational growth of CSOs in Indonesia through an interactive digital knowledge exchange facility, available through both a mobile app and through web browsers. There are around 34 CSOs spread across 4 provinces who are beneficiaries of this program and are active partners in participating in the i-hub simpulmadani platform.
  • SDG PIPE 2019
    SDG PIPE is a collaborative program between PIRAC and GO Global and the Campaign. This program aims to find innovations for young people in various fields. The program provides capacity building for young people, sends young people to study innovation development abroad and provides a grand for the development of innovation for selected children. program in collaboration with various parties such as the private sector/company (Bank Mandiri), the Government (Ministry of Youth and Sports) etc.
  • Depok Beragam – 2019
    Depok Beragam Campaign. Involving a number of civil society organizations in Depok, including the Komunitas Sejarah Depok – Depok History Community (KSD,) Public Research & Advocacy Center (Pirac), Kamunitas Ciliwung Panus – the Ciliwung Panus Community (KCP) the Bamboo Community, which was supported by the Education and Culture Office of West Java Province Branch II and Search for Common Ground (SFCG).
  • Building Partnerships for Strengthening the Local Economy of the Ciketing Village Community – 2018
    Partner Village Program in Ciketing Udik Village, Bantargebang, Bekasi City, West Java Province. The Village Program partner of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk is a program to increase community capacity in strengthening the local economy which is a synergy of cooperation between the private sector, CSOs and local governments. This inter-sectoral partnership is expected to be able to increase the management capacity of the Koperasi Selera organization to optimize its performance to be more empowered in improving the welfare of members and the surrounding community. This program also received funding support from Nama Foundation
  • Sekolah Gempita – 2018
    The GEMPITA program itself is a program organized in collaboration between PIRAC, a non-profit organization in Depok, with a number of schools in the Depok area and its surroundings, and the cultural community in Depok with the support of the Wahid Foundation. This program aims to foster a spirit of togetherness, tolerance, respect for differences, and anti-violence among youth, especially high school students.
  • Project Kampung Bersahaja – Homely Village Project (2015)
    The KAMPUNG BERSAHAJA (Kampung Bersih, Sehat dan Sejahtera -Clean, Healthy and Prosperous Village) project is a community development (CD) program designed to create an enabling environment for the development and sustainability of PT Anugrah Mutu Bersama (PT AMB) business as well as improving the quality of health, environment and community welfare in the environment around the factory. PT. AMB. This project is carried out through two approaches, First, building commitment from stakeholders (companies, local governments, NGOs and the media) to work together to support the success of the program. Second, increasing the knowledge, awareness and skills of the community in PHBS and environmental management. This project was implemented by PIRAC in collaboration with the Rumah Harapan Foundation which develops and manages the program in the PUSAKA area (Purwakarta, Subang and Karawang).
  • Jaringan Komunitas Radio Indonesia (JRKI) – Indonesian Community Radio Network – 2013
    JRKI is Community radio network organization consisting of Regional Community Radio Networks in Indonesia. JRKI community that campaigns for change through community radio in voicing community democracy and social issues. PIRAC’s role is to support funding and strategy for community media resources. Ford Indonesia participates in supporting funds in the development of this JRKI community.
  • Suara Ibu Peduli
    Suara Ibu Peduli is a community that often voices criticism of leadership in the New Order era. This community was founded in 1998 by Gadis Arivia with two other mothers, Wilasih Noviana, Karlina Leksono and Rocky Gerung. PIRAC is involved in the fundraising process in mobilizing resources in this community.

PIRAC Partners

1. Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS)
2. Bappenas (National Development
Planning Agency)
3. BM FKAM Solo
4. BPZIS Mandiri
5. Bursa Pengetahuan Kawasan Timur Indonesia (BaKTI) Foundation
6. Caritas Germany
7. Children’s National Commission
8. Danamon Foundation
10. Dinas PU Kota Yogjakarta
11. Dompet Dhuafa
12. Embrio
13. Ford Foundation
14. Global Fund CCM
15. GN-OTA (National Movement for Foster Parents)
16. Hidayatullah
17. High Five
18. Human Initiative
19. Humanitarian Forum Indonesia
20. Indonesia Untuk Kemanusiaan (IKA)
21. IRAI
22. Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia (JRKI)
23. Kesbangpol Kota Jambi
24. Kesbangpol Kota Semarang
25. Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI)
26. Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia
27. Komnas Tobacco Control
29. Legal Aid Foundation/LBH
30. LPA ( Child Protection Services)
31. Mercy Corps Indonesia
32. Mercy Corps Indonesia
33. Ministry of Health
34. Ministry of Social Affairs
35. Mondiaal FNV
36. National Commission of Women
39. Palang Merah Indonesia
40. Peduli Perempuan/Women Care
41. Perhimpunan Filantropi Indonesia (PFI)
42. Platform Nasional Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Indonesia (Planas PRB Indonesia)
43. Program Representasi (ProRep) – USAID
44. PT AMB
45. PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk
46. PT Unilever Indonesia
47. Rumah Zakat Indonesia
48. Save the Children
49. Search for Common Ground (SFCG)
51. Stop TB Indonesia
52. Swadaya Ummah
53. Tanoto Foundation
54. The Asia Foundation
55. The Body Shop
56. Tifa Foundation
57. Trade Union Right Center (TURC)
58. Unilever Indonesia
61. Yayasan Bina Swadaya
62. Yayasan Indonesia Business Link (IBL)
63. Yayasan Penabulu
64. Yayasan Tanoto
65. Yayasan Tifa
66. Yayasan Unilever Indonesia